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Personnel Committee Minutes 12/06/07
PlaceNameplaceCHILMARK PlaceTypeTOWN HALL
MEETING MINUTES OF December 6, 2007

MEMBERS PRESENT:   Max McCreery, Susan Heilbron, PersonNameStephen Lewenberg,
                                          Richard Williams
       ALSO PRESENT:    Polly McDowell, Staff liaison; J B Riggs Parker, BOS liaison;
                                        Christina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant
                    ABSENT:    PersonNameJennie Greene, PB member; PersonNameTim Carroll, Staff liaison;
                                         Virginia Jones, Administrative Assistant.

In the absence of PersonNameJennie Greene, Susan presided as acting Chairperson and opened the meeting at 8:00 a.m.  

In the absence of Virginia Jones, Christina presided as the acting Administrative Assistant and took the minutes for the meeting.

The Board reviewed the Meeting Minutes of November 15, 2007.  The Board suggested revising the language in these minutes to reflect the main ideas discussed, not necessarily every comment mentioned.  A motion was made, seconded and voted to have Christina amend the draft minutes as per the discussion and provide a copy for review at the December 20, 2007 meeting.
There was discussion regarding employee evaluations.  Steve suggested that where an employee provides service to more than one entity, there be one evaluation writer who receives input from all entities served.  All evaluations to be coordinated with the Executive Secretary.  Max stated that the Personnel Board does not need to supervise the Executive Secretary because the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen does.   

Personnel Bylaw  Open Discussion
Richard asked if the Bylaw could delegate a certain function to the Executive Secretary.  Steve replied that if the Town approves the Bylaw, then yes, it is law.  When a comprehensive draft reflecting the revisions of the proposed Personnel Bylaw is ready, the Personnel Board would like to meet with the Board of Selectmen, all town boards and employees to review and discuss the new bylaws.   Riggs will research the legal issues that may surface between the Personnel Bylaw and perhaps other contracts involved with town employees.  Once Tim returns from vacation, Christina will work with him to get a draft together for the December 20, 2007 meeting.

In addition, Richard stated that he would draft the language addressing the rotation of the Personnel Board Chairperson.  Richard would like this item put on the next agenda so the Board may review and discuss the subject.

The Board discussed upcoming expenses for FY09.  Presently, three hours are budgeted for the Administrative Assistant.  Richard reminded the Board that Administrative Assistants in the past needed more than the allotted three hours.  Richard suggested increasing the hours to six per week because of the upcoming work on the bylaw revisions.  Susan suggested increasing the number of hours from three to four.  Polly mentioned including an additional line item in the budget designated for extra funds for special projects, on an as-needed basis.  In addition, Polly stated she would speak with Tom to calculate the estimated ending balance of expense funds for FY08 and use this available money for extra projects.  Steve recommended having a reserve fund to fall back on.  The Board reviewed the budget line by line and suggested the following changes:
1. There was discussion to increase the budget amount for Professional Development in
    the anticipation that members and/or administrative assistant will attend workshops.
    Richard to report back to the Board.   
2.  Delete Consultants line item, which was budgeted for $100.00.
3.  There were no changes made to the remaining line items.
The Board agreed to hold off on approving the budget and requested to continue the discussion at the December 20, 2007 meeting.  At that meeting, the COLA data will be available.  The final FY09 Budget must be submitted to Tom by December 28, 2007.

Before the Board closed the Budget discussion, Steve asked why there was no line item for legal fees on the Budget spreadsheet.  It was noted that the Chairperson has the authority to contact an attorney for legal opinion, but the cost is charged to the Board
of Selectmen's account.

Personnel Board Administrative Assistant Hours
The Board discussed the possibility of Christina utilizing Ginny's hours for completing the bylaw revisions.  This suggestion has been discussed with Ginny and Christina.  Ginny expressed that this change will allow her to focus on her responsibilities as Harbor Master Admin. Assistant, since this is their busy time of year.   Christina accepted the shift in duties of Administrative Assistant and will now be responsible for taking the meeting minutes.  The Board expressed their gratitude toward Ginny on her job performance, and a motion was made, seconded and all members voted to write a letter of appreciation to Ginny.  Christina will draft a letter based on the Board's comments and forward to the Board for their review.

Susan informed the Board that she received a request by the Housing Committee Chairman to increase the Administrative Assistant's hourly rate from Grade 6 Step 1 to Grade 6 Step 2, to equal her predecessor's Grade and Step.  Steve made the motion to approve, Max seconded and all member voted in favor for Susan, Acting Chairperson, to contact the Finance Committee and recommend the salary Step increase effective immediately.

Section 14:  Group Health and Life Insurance.  This is state law.  There were no changes.
Section 15:  Retirement.  There were no changes.
Richard made a motion, Steve seconded, and all voted to approve the Personnel Bylaw Sections 14 and 15 as existing in the current bylaws.

With no further business, Susan adjourned the meeting at 9:49 a.m.  

Minutes respectfully submitted by Christina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant.